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Peekaboo Pride Rolling Cabinet






This piece is part of the Peekaboo Pride Line. When the cabinet is closed, it is a trendy black and white art deco-inspired rolling cabinet.. When the doors are open, a graphic purple, yellow, black and white pattern, the colors of the nonbinary pride flag, are revealed. This cabinet, which was rescued from the curb, was refinished with Benajamin Moore Aura acrylic latex paint in black and Think Noir black and white abstract-patterned wallpaper . The Peekaboo Pride line is my love letter to the queer community and is dedicated to those of us living half in and half out- who know what it's like to have to take down our pride flag for the zoom call, or change our clothes when family comes over. It is a testament to how beautiful our queerness is, even when we aren't able to show it.

